In today’s ever-changing world, we can wonder what do I have to offer to the next generation. I’m “old,” “washed up,” and not up on the latest technology. Guess what? You may have something that not many people have but want, and that is time. Time to listen, affirm, encourage, and teach.

Generally, we don’t realize the wealth of information we possess. Life experience, wisdom, and know-how that no book can articulate better than in-person one-to-one mentoring. To us, it was “just” parenting, work, or a hobby, but it could be empowerment, encouragement, and hope for someone else. Look around, and you will see that in your community, there are people who are stressed, anxious, and not socially connected outside of technology, seeming to lack direction and hope.

Have you considered volunteering or offering your services to pass your knowledge to another generation? Why or why not? There are many organizations or community groups where you can mentor someone today. Boys and Girls Clubs of America, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, United Way, places of worship, or community centers. What are you waiting for? Reach out to your local organizations to learn how you can impact someone’s life today.