Spring is here and is showing off with all the beautiful weather lately. This is the perfect weather to be out focusing on getting active and enjoying the outdoors, but it’s also a time of renewal. We’ve come up with a few ways your aging loved ones can be physically and mentally active this season.
First, take advantage of the beautiful weather that springtime brings. Spending some time out in the sunshine is a great way to soak up lots of vitamin D. Getting out into the sun can also help improve moods. Go on a light walk with your aging loved one or spend some quality time sitting outside. Remember, if your elderly loved ones are going to be spending more time outdoors, be mindful of seasonal allergies. If your loved ones are struggling with allergies, make sure to reduce their exposure outside or wear sunglasses that wrap around their face. You can also check to see if they need over-the-counter seasonal allergy medication.
Another activity that you and your aging loved ones can do together this spring is work in the garden together. Planting flowers can help boost their mood and keep them moving while enjoying plenty of vitamin C this season. Nothing says spring like taking time to plant beautiful, blooming flowers! You can also have them help you with your vegetable gardening too. Gardening can be so rewarding! Another rewarding outdoor activity you can do together is bird watching. There’s something magical and peaceful about enjoying the birds. You can set up a bird feeder in your loved ones’ yard for them to enjoy bird watching from the inside of their home, or you can take them to a park and sit together!
While spring is more focused on taking advantage of the weather to get physically active, it’s also a good time to focus on getting mentally active too! Mental exercises like crossword puzzles, sudoku, and word searches are all great ways for your aging loved ones to sharpen their cognitive function, enhance short-term memory, improve sleep, and reduce stress. If you already plan on spending a day outside or having a picnic, you can pack your loved ones a puzzle to keep them entertained.
If you are looking for a care manager that you can trust, contact Preferred Living Solutions at 919-554-0675 and let us help you make a plan and ease the way!