Summer is finally here and so is the North Carolina heat and humidity! However, the super-high temperatures can raise concerns for your aging loved ones. This month, we want to share some tips on how you can avoid the dangers of high heat.

Don’t Forget to Stay Hydrated. As you age, it’s a lot harder for your body to be aware of the heat and how thirsty you are which means this can put your elderly loved ones at risk for dehydration. Drinking plenty of water is important, but sometimes it can be hard to get your family to drink the proper amount of water. You can try other things including giving them fresh fruit, such as watermelon, or using water to dilute their juice if they have a hard time just drinking water.

Keep that A.C on this Summer. During the hottest months of the year, keeping your air conditioning running is extremely important in keeping adult children comfortable. If there is no air conditioning, then make sure that you have fans going in order to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the home. You can also take them to a public space that does offer air conditioning like a community center.

Dress for the Heat. Loose-fitting, lightweight clothing made of breathable fabrics is ideal for staying cool on these scorching summer days. Make sure that they are not dressed in any tight-fitting long sleeves or jackets. You can also plan your activities for later in the day when the temperatures are starting to significantly cool down.

By following these simple steps, you can help ensure your aging loved ones stay cool and comfortable during the blazing summer weather. If you are looking for a care manager that you can trust, contact Preferred Living Solutions at 919-554-0675 and let us help you make a plan!