End of Life Wishes and Planning

End of Life Wishes and Planning

No one really wants to plan for this, as if doing so brings it sooner. However, you may want to consider giving your loved ones a beautiful gift…the gift of having all your documents in order and decisions all made for your end of life and after death. As you...
Is it Time for The Talk: Bringing Up Senior Living Options for your Parents

Is it Time for The Talk: Bringing Up Senior Living Options for your Parents

Living options for aging adults can be a challenging topic to introduce. Telling a loved one about the need to research one’s next living options can be frustrating and hurtful if not handled appropriately. There are some aspects of this discussion you need to prepare...
Senior Living Options

Senior Living Options

There may come a time when families must make a plan for where they or their loved one will age in place. It’s important to know what some of the options are. There are two main types of living options, independent living, and assisted living. Independent living is...